The 10th & Final Tom Webb Benefit in Luling, TX

This Sunday, April 1st, marks the 1oth and final Tom Webb Benefit in Luling, Texas.

We’ve always felt a bit cheated that we never had the honor of meeting Tom Webb, IV, as he left long before we made our way to Austin. Though we never shook hands, nodded at an introduction or toasted to each other’s good fortune at a show, he feels like an old friend. His presence is one that is felt in the spirit of those who did know him, and who gather each spring to celebrate the memory of this bright and talented young man.

For 10 years, now, the Webb family has worked diligently to honor Tom with the annual “Tom Webb Benefit: A Celebration of Life & Music,” raising funds to help local students pursue their dreams. With the success of the 9 events held, to date, they’ve been able to award an amazing 87 scholarships, totaling $174,000 – a true testament to the verve of the Webb family and Luling Community.

For the past 6, we’ve had the privilege of collaborating with Tom’s sister, Tori, on the artwork for the celebration, resulting in 5 beautiful poster designs you see below, and the final poster design, above. We’ve always taken a great deal of pride in being a part of such an extraordinary event, and are terribly sad to bid it adieu.

We only hope that the Webb Family is proud of what they’ve been able to accomplish for the youth of Luling, TX, and of the investment they’ve made in the future of their community. We’re certain that Tom is, as are we.

Make plans to head down (or up, mind you) to the Watermelon Thump Pavillion in the heart of Downtown Luling, Texas this Sunday for one last dance, and to help raise money to keep the scholarship fund filled for years to come!

Click Here to visit the official Celebration website for more information. And, we’ll see ya there!